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Hierarchy Methods

The Hierarchy type exposes the following members.

Public methodStatic memberEscapeName
Escapes all the special symbols in the name.
Public methodStatic memberFindPartModelByPath(Part, String, Transform)
Finds a transform in the hirerachy by the provided path.
Public methodStatic memberFindPartModelByPath(Part, String, Transform)
Finds a transform in the hirerachy by the provided path.
Public methodStatic memberFindTransformByPath(Transform, String, Transform)
Finds a transform in the hirerachy by the provided path.
Public methodStatic memberCode exampleFindTransformByPath(Transform, String, Transform)
Finds a transform in the hirerachy by the provided path.
Public methodStatic memberFindTransformInChildren
Finds a transform by name down the hierarchy.
Public methodStatic memberGetFullPath
Returns a full path to the object starting from the specified parent.
Public methodStatic memberGetPartModelTransform
Returns part's model transform.
Public methodStatic memberListHirerahcy
Returns the paths to all the transformations in the object. Each item is a full path to the transformation starting from the parent.
Public methodStatic memberMakePath
Escapes the element names and builds a path.
Public methodStatic memberMoveToParent
Changes transform's parent keeping local postion, rotation and scale.
Public methodStatic memberPatternMatch
Checks target string against a simple pattern which allows prefix, suffix, and contains match. The match is case-sensitive.
Public methodStatic memberSplitAndUnescapePath
Splits a path and unescapes the name elements.
Public methodStatic memberUnescapeName
Unescapes all the special symbols in the name.
See Also