Click or drag to resize

KSPDev.GUIUtils Namespace

A set of helper classes to deal with Unity GUI.
Public classAbstractHermeticGUIControl
Base class for a GUI element that incapsulates a class instance member.
Public classCode exampleGuiActionsList
A helper to accumulate GUI actions.
Public classCode exampleGuiColorScope
A utility class to render big disabled blocks of GUI.
Public classCode exampleGuiEnabledStateScope
A utility class to render a big disabled block in GUI.
Public classGUILayoutButtons
Utility class to help building GUI layout buttons.
Public classGUILayoutStringTable
Utility class to draw a simple table with the text column contents.
Public classGUILayoutVerticalScrollView
Auto-resizing scrolling control.
Public classCode exampleGuiScaledSkin
Component for automatic GUISkin rescaling, based on the current game's GUI scale setting.
Public classGuiSkinScope
A utility class to render windows with an alternative skin.
Public classCode exampleGuiWindow
A utility class to deal with the GUI windows.
Public classHermeticGUIControlBoolean
Hermetic GUI control for the boolean members.
Public classHermeticGUIControlClass
Hermetic GUI control for the class types.
Public classHermeticGUIControlSwitch
Hermetic GUI control for the enum types.
Public classHermeticGUIControlText
Hermetic GUI control for the generic types, represented as a plain text.
Public classCode exampleHintOverlay
A wrapper class to present a simple overlay window with some text.
Public classCode exampleLocalizableItemAttribute
Attribute for the various game items that support localization.
Public classLocalizableMessage
Base class for the messages that support localization.
Public classLocalizableMessageGuiTags
Various values that give hints on how the messages should be presented in GUI.
Public classCode exampleLocalizationLoader
A utility class to localize the annotated members
Public classCode exampleMessage
A class to wrap a simple localizable UI string.
Public classCode exampleMessageT1
A class to wrap a localizable UI string with parameter(s).
Public classCode exampleMessageT1, T2
A class to wrap a localizable UI string with parameter(s).
Public classCode exampleMessageT1, T2, T3
A class to wrap a localizable UI string with parameter(s).
Public classCode exampleMessageT1, T2, T3, T4
A class to wrap a localizable UI string with parameter(s).
Public classCode exampleMessageT1, T2, T3, T4, T5
A class to wrap a localizable UI string with parameter(s).
Public classCode exampleMessageLookupT
Holds a mapping of a value to a localized message.
Public classCode exampleScreenMessaging
Helper class to present global UI messages.
Public classStdSpecTags
Standard specialization tags.
Public classCode exampleUISoundPlayer
Helper class to play sounds in the game GUI. Such sounds are not 3D aligned.
Public interfaceIHasContextMenu
Generic interface for the modules that implement a UI context menu.
Public interfaceIHasGUI
Generic interface for the modules that implement a GUI events handling.
Public interfaceIRenderableGUIControl
Interface for a generic GUI control that can manage it's state.
Public interfaceCode exampleIsLocalizableModule
Generic interface for the modules that manage own localizable items.