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GUILayoutStringTable Methods

The GUILayoutStringTable type exposes the following members.

Public methodAddTextColumn(String, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, LocalizableMessage, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, String, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table with a value tooltip.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, String, LocalizableMessage, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table with a value tooltip.
Public methodAddTextColumn(GUIContent, GUIStyle, Single, Single)
Adds a content into the table column.
Public methodStartNewRow
Tells that a new row is about to be rendered.
Public methodUpdateFrame
Updates the table state each frame to remember the best column size values.
See Also