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GUILayoutStringTable Class

Utility class to draw a simple table with the text colum contents.
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace:  KSPDev.GUIUtils
Assembly:  KSPDev_Utils.2.0 (in KSPDev_Utils.2.0.dll) Version: 2.0 for KSP v1.8+
public class GUILayoutStringTable
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The GUILayoutStringTable type exposes the following members.

Public methodGUILayoutStringTable
Creates a table of the specified column width.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, LocalizableMessage, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, String, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table with a value tooltip.
Public methodAddTextColumn(String, String, LocalizableMessage, GUIStyle)
Adds a text column into the table with a value tooltip.
Public methodAddTextColumn(GUIContent, GUIStyle, Single, Single)
Adds a content into the table column.
Public methodStartNewRow
Tells that a new row is about to be rendered.
Public methodUpdateFrame
Updates the table state each frame to remember the best column size values.

This table cannot hold non-string content. It keeps all the columns to be of the same, and the size is adjusted to the maximum column's size in the rows. There is a one frame delay between the content change and the column resizing, which may result in flickering if the content changes too frequently. The columns try to take as small space as possible, so defining the minimum size may be a good bet.

This class is designed to be called on every frame. It's heavily performance optimized.

See Also