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KSPDev.KSPInterfaces Namespace

This namespace defines the interfaces that either don't exist in the game or are not documented. In the first case the goal is to make the coding more OOP by defining a clear interface, so that the callers know what to expect from the part's module. In the second case the point is to provide a verbose documentation to the existing KSP interfaces.
Public interfaceCode exampleIJointEventsListener
Declares callbacks that are called when a joint between two parts is changed.
Public interfaceCode exampleIKSPActivateOnDecouple
A documented version of the IActivateOnDecouple interface.
Public interfaceCode exampleIKSPDevJointLockState
A documented version of the KSP IJointLockState interface.
Public interfaceCode exampleIKSPDevModuleInfo
Documented analogue of IModuleInfo interface.
Public interfaceCode exampleIPartModule
Interface for KSP part module.
Public interfaceCode exampleIsDestroyable
Interface for modules that need to know if script object is destroyed.
Public interfaceCode exampleIsPackable
Interface to track the physics state changes in the part's module.
Public interfaceCode exampleIsPartDeathListener
Interface to notify about the part's forced destruction.
Public interfaceCode exampleIsPhysicalObject
Interface for the modules that need handling physics.